Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz argued that fellow candidate Donald Trump “can give you three different answers in the course of the day” and that his AIPAC speech was “different from what he’s said in the course of the campaign” on Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Final 5 Candidates.”

Cruz said, “[I]t’s interesting. You can listen to Donald Trump on any given day, and he can give you three different answers in the course of the day.”

He added of Trump’s AIPAC speech, “I think his speech was actually an improvement. He clearly hired someone to write that speech for him, and he said some good things. Now, they were different from what he’s said in the course of the campaign.”

Cruz continued, “[F]or example, he said, two debates ago, that if he were president he would be, ‘neutral’ between Israel and the Palestinians. … What that suggests, is that he buys into the moral equivalency that many in the media pitch. And I think, if you don’t know the difference between your friends and enemies, if you think the state of Israel, that is defending itself against terrorism is somehow morally equivalent to terrorists who are murdering Americans, murdering Israelis, who are strapping dynamite to their chest.”

After anchor Wolf Blitzer stated, “But he was not neutral in that speech today.” Cruz responded, “Well, he didn’t say that, but that’s — you know, Donald is an interesting fellow, because he can say totally different policy positions, in the course of a day, from one end to the other. But on — with respect to the Iran deal, also in the debates. He said, no, he would not rip up the Iranian nuclear deal. Instead, and this is his answer to everything, he would renegotiate it. He would get a better deal. Anyone who says that, doesn’t understand the Ayatollah Khomeini.”

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