Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Nicolle Wallace, the former communications chief for George W. Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign and adviser for Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) 2008 presidential bid suggested Republicans beyond social conservatives, particularly those with a focus on foreign policy, should consider Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“The conversations happening in private with Republican, is that if you are not a social conservative there is less and less rationale for hardened opposition to Hillary Clinton. If you’re a social conservative there’s no way you get there, if you care about that bucket of social issues, pro-life, what not, you can’t make the leap to Hillary Clinton. But if foreign policy is how you vote, if that is your central concern, if counter-terrorism is what worries you, how do you not consider Hillary Clinton in November?”

(h/t Newsbusters)

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