Some media people who oppose Donald Trump’s candidacy are criticizing anti-Trump consultant Liz Mair for “slut-shaming” Trump’s wife, Melania.

Mair committed her progressive sin by running an ad targeted at Utah voters which showed Melania posing nude, with the caption “Meet Melania Trump Your Next First Lady … Or, You Could Support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

The liberal site Vox accused Mair of “slut-shaming” Trump’s wife, and a reporter for the anti-Trump establishment website Buzzfeed agreed Monday night with the slut-shaming line.

The ad was funded by Mair’s anti-Trump Super PAC, dubbed Make America Awesome. Mair is a dual-citizen of the United States and the United Kingdom.

The established media convenes daily on Twitter to come up with its narratives, many of which focus on how best to attack Trump.

But these reporters and their precious Twitter follower-counts also rely on the perpetual outrage of social justice warriors. It seems that in this case, the strength of feminist narratives about “slut-shaming” actually outweigh the desire to attack Trump.

Mair defended her ad by stating that she has no personal problem with Melania Trump’s modeling, confirming that her ad was merely a cynical attempt to appeal to religious Mormons.

Trump’s “New York Values” have actually helped him to stave off attacks by the leftist media. When social liberals in the press attack Trump for having said socially liberal things, it comes off dishonest. Who are they pandering to?