Maajid Nawaz, who was a member of the radical Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir stated that the “Islamist ideology” needs to be named and challenged, and “currently, with the president’s policy, that’s simply just not happening” on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Nawaz said that as he associated more with Islamists and jihadists, he eventually became “disillusioned” with the ideology, and eventually concluded he wanted nothing to do with it.

When asked how to combat the problem, Nawaz stated, “Well, of course, we’ve got to identify the problem, and that’s the Islamist ideology. We’ve got to be able to name it, and then we’ve got to be able challenge it, both ideologically and militarily. And I fear that currently, with the president’s policy, that’s simply just not happening.”

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