Welcome to Breitbart News’s daily live updates of the 2016 horse race.

All times eastern.

8:33: Newt reportedly tells GOP lawmakers in Congress to learn from Trump.

8:15: Trump accuses Cruz campaign of spreading Melania’s GQ cover photo around in Utah.


8:09: Sanders: Corporate media’s “conflicts of interest” hurting campaign:

“The media is an arm of the ruling class of this country and they want to talk about everything in the world except the most important issues,” he said during a live interview on The Young Turks Internet news show. “Because if you talk about real issues and people get educated on the real issues, you know what happens next, they might actually want to bring about change.”

5:15: Tight race in Wisconsin:

4:35: Trump blasts Jeb!:

4:33: Jeb! for Ted:

4:30: Kasich says Trump will win if he drops out:

4:15: RNC on Clinton’s counterterrorism speech:

Priebus: “Hillary Clinton and President Obama have been wrong about ISIS at every turn, which has resulted in more attacks and a more dangerous world. From her failed Libya policy, to her support for the president’s hasty withdrawal from Iraq, to her failed online counterterrorism program at the State Department, Hillary Clinton has backed policies that have enabled ISIS to grow into a global threat. Just today, President Obama claimed ISIS was ‘not an existential threat,’ despite its ability to launch attacks on American soil and use of chemical weapons. We need a president who will take a fundamentally different approach to defeat radical Islamic terrorists, not someone like Hillary Clinton who dangerously believes we ‘finally are where we need to be.’”

Trump on Clinton’s speech and “Lyin’ Ted.”

3:38: Politico: Harry Reid: ‘Never, ever, ever underestimate Trump.” He also slams Cruz for “plotting to be president since he was in elementary school.”

“Never, ever, ever underestimate Trump. No one should do that. I tried, others have tried. He’s a hard guy to predict,” Reid said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. “One of the most unorthodox candidates for the presidency in modern times. Certainly in modern times, post-modern times. A real unusual deal we have here.”

Still, Reid would not say whether he would prefer that Democrats face Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The minority leader said flatly: “I don’t think it matters.”

“You have one who has been plotting to be president for six or seven months. That’s Trump. You have Cruz, who has been plotting to be president since he was in elementary school,” Reid said.


3:25: NPR having reporters go through “Trump Training” sessions to deal with hostile crowds:

NPR has sent its political reporters to 90-minute hostile-environment awareness training, which in its typical form lasts a few days and prepares journalists for covering war zones or regions where terrorists are active.

News organizations, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations generally employ such training to help employees respond to such hazards as riots, mortar attacks, kidnappings or firefights.

In this case, NPR’s scaled-down sessions might be called Trump Training.

3:15: Report: Top RNC official met with anti-Trump career tacticians at Grover Norquist’s Wed. meeting.

3:08: Clinton at Stanford today in Northern California. Sanders at the wonderful Griffith Park (spectacular views) in Southern California:

3:05: Clinton slams Cruz for wanting to treat Muslims like “criminals” and “racially profiling neighborhoods.” She also blasts the “offensive” and “inflammatory” rhetoric that “demonizes Muslims.” Clinton also says that torture does not work and puts our troops and civilians at risk. She says America will not “condone” or “practice” torture anywhere if she is president.

2:57: Clinton says “if Mr. Trump gets his way, it will be like Christmas in the Kremlin” re: Putin’s desire to divide Europe.

2:52: Clinton on Cruz’s carpet-bombing strategy:

2:50: Clinton repeats line from last night: “How high does the wall have to be to keep the internet out?” She says the tech community/government must stop seeing each other as adversaries. She also takes a swipe at Trump:

2:45: Clinton says “walls will not protect us” from ISIS. She says we can’t “contain ISIS” and we must “defeat ISIS.”

2:43: At Stanford, Clinton reminiscing about bringing Chelsea to Stanford. Says granddaughter Charlotte would look good in Cardinal red.

2:40: Ford defensive after Trump has attacked the company for moving plants to Mexico.

2:35: Heidi Cruz blasts Trump:

2:30: Paul Ryan doesn’t like the “ugliness” in politics. He thinks he can win over Americans with PowerPoint presentations. He says it’s time to “go bold” but rehashes the same platitudes/talking points. It’s fitting he spoke to inters, because he sounds like a career staffer.

“Instead of playing to your anxieties, we can appeal to your aspirations. Instead of playing the identity politics of our base versus their base, we unite people around ideas and principles. And instead of being timid, we go bold. We don’t just resort to scaring you, we dare to inspire you,” Ryan reportedly said.

But, as CNN noted, “much of Ryan’s message wasn’t new — he has a stressed similar themes in a speech shortly after his election last fall outlining a ‘Confident America.'”

2:00: On CNN, Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller blasts Obama’s immigration/visa policy for allowing potential terrorists to enter the United States.

1:58: Cruz not worried his “New York values” line will hurt him in New  York’s primary:

1:55: Tommy Thompson endorses Kasich:

1:28: Obama joins the brouhaha over Cruz’ response to Brussels:

1:09: Cruz likens potential Trump loss in general to Mondale rather than Goldwater:

1:00: Rolling Stone endorses Hillary over Bernie.

12:43: Kasich is still 7 state wins away from qualifying for the nomination:

12:22: Get ready! Hillary’s gonna call us out.

12:09: New York values.

12:06: Just never get a tattoo. Ever.

11:49: Heidi Cruz fires at Trump:

11:46: Math:

11:19: Scott Walker puts his weight behind Cruz:

11:04: GOP delegate tells National Review that Cruz has the advantage in a brokered convention: