Welcome to Breitbart News’s daily live updates of the 2016 horse race.

All times eastern.

8:00: Sanders gets endorsement from key union:


7:45: Cruz praises Walker for standing up to unions:


6:50: Maryland Gov. Hogan says he may consider voting for someone else if Trump is nominee:


6:03: Sanders wants investigation into why Arizona lines were so long:

5:49: Kasich Super PAC blasts Club for Growth:

5:32: Sanders in Spokane as city hopes Gonzaga wins it all:

Sanders will be in Madison on Saturday (Wisconsin may be playing for a trip to the Final Four on Sunday if they can get by Notre Dame on Friday):

4:45: Clinton tiptoeing around Islamic State question:

4:39: Trump campaign: Cruz trying to remain relevant:

4:00: $353K to sit with Hillary Clinton and the Clooneys in San Francisco:

3:55: Trump campaign sued over bald eagle image:

3:50: In L.A., Clinton talks about “community building.” Panelist claims that mosques are not the “centers of radicalization.” Another panelist suggests that the San Bernardino terrorist attacks may have been prevented had there been more “social services.”

3:42: Lost Clinton emails discovered:

3:40: Club for Growth spending $1 million in Wisconsin:


3:35: Cruz slams Trump. He says he is scared of “strong women.” Cruz also claims that Trump doesn’t know how to bring jobs back to America. He says it is not acceptable for a “big, bad New York bully” to attack his wife.  Cruz says “real men” don’t try to bully women. [Cruz is speaking about Trump but his comments also apply to nearly all of the GOP “Smart Set” and the career tacticians in the Beltway who cheered the Smart Set’s attacks on Melania Trump.]

3:30: Clinton complains that Muslim-Americans are not given platforms to counteract “more extreme voices.”

3:25: Sanders campaign serves DNC with lawsuit over voter files.

3:20: Clinton rails against the “hot rhetoric” and “demagoguery” that is “offensive” and “dangerous.”

3:12: Clinton holding roundtable with L.A. Mayor Garcetti and President of Muslim Public Affairs Committee:

2:33: Scott Walker says nominee at a contested convention will likely be someone not currently in the race:

2:15: Sanders thinks Obama is part of the establishment and fights against it.

2:13: CNN’s poll of polls:

2:11: Koch Brothers against Trump:

2:05: Chelsea Clinton again enters the arena by attacking Trump/Cruz.  Clinton campaign will still cry foul if critical stories are written about her or if the media dare ask Chelsea tough questions:

2:00: Ben Carson:


1:54: Tons of rallies planned for Wisconsin from all campaigns.

1:14: Journalism.

1:04: Paul Ryan with his finger on the pulse of blue-collar workers.

12:51: Reuters report on establishment coalescing behind Cruz:

12:38: PA poll: Trump 33, Kasich 30.

12:37: New Cruz attack ad on Trump:

12:27: Islamic State quotes Trump saying Brussels has become a hellhole, then says: if you just paid your jizyah, this wouldn’t have to happen!

A new video released by a pro-ISIS media platform on Thursday uses Donald Trump’s words on the Brussels attack to illustrate the group’s success in attacking Europe. “Brussels was one of the great cities, one of the most beautiful cities of the world 20 years ago,” Trump says 30 seconds into the nine-minute clip. “It was amazing actually, and safe. And now it’s a horror show, an absolute horror show.”

12:03: Another gonzo Instagram ad attacking Cruz on his establishment endorsements:

12:02: The fight never ends.

12:00: Todd Starnes declares: “America’s Christian bakers and florists and wedding planners will be safe under a Ted Cruz presidency.”

11:59: Look out, Hillary:

11:53: Trump on a bit of a tweet storm right now, about the Islamic State and — The View.