The governor of North Carolina says the New York Times, Huffington Post, and other media outlets are misleading the public about what the new anti-discrimination law in North Carolina really does.

Homosexual and transsexual advocates insist the new law creates and open-season for discrimination against those with same-sex attraction and others among the 58 Facebook “gender identities.”

In a press release, Governor Pat McCrory says the new law does not limit private businesses, individuals, or universities from adopting new or keeping old nondiscrimination policies.

He says the bill passed this week “is tougher than the federal government’s.”

Additionally, privately-owned sports facilities can allow gender-confused men to use the lady’s room. “The law neither requires not prohibits them from doing so.”

He also points out that those who have undergone “sex-change” surgery and have had their birth certificate changed may use the restroom of the sex listed on their birth certificate.

One of the big issues made by the bill’s critics is that biological boys who pose as girls will be bullied under the new law. McCrory says, “North Carolina law specifically prohibits bullying and harassing behavior against children on the basis of sexual identity.”

McCrory says the new law became necessary after “…the Charlotte City Council voted to impose a regulation requiring businesses to allow a man into a women’s restroom, shower, or locker room if they choose. This ordinance would have eliminated the basic expectations of privacy people have when using the rest room by allowing people to use the restroom of their choice.”

He also said that the city of Charlotte exceeded “its authority and setting rules that had ramifications beyond the City of Charlotte.”