April Ryan, the White House Correspondent and Washington Bureau Chief for American Urban Radio Networks spoke positively of the “commonality of the minority spirit” in Fidel Castro’s letter to President Obama on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Ryan said, “Even if there was a little bit of tough talk in this letter, I loved how it opened, ‘Brother Obama,’ the commonality of the minority spirit, ‘Brother Obama’. So, he sent a message there, just in that greeting, at the beginning, because we have acknowledge that. But at the same time, yeah, this is the first time in 88 years an American president has stepped foot on Cuban soil, but you have to remember, there are people like Harry Belafonte, who I’ve talked to about this, iconic civil rights leader, activist, as well as entertainer, who used to travel to Cuba to perform, as well as travel there with the late great Frank Sinatra, when they were on…a day down in Florida. And they traveled there to have fun. He said, you know, when communities are against one another, when there is a lot of fighting, and yes he understands that there are human rights violations, there has to be some kind of coming together, so that there can be an understanding and a move forward. And I understand that, with some people, in their train of thought, but, you know.”

She added, “I think it was sweet. I think he wanted to give a bit of honey before he gave the vinegar.”

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