Prior to becoming GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s national spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson, made guest appearances on WE TV’s new show “Sisters in Law” where she was ejected from an event because of her political affiliation.

Although the show was taped prior to Pierson joining Trump’s campaign, the show is just now airing. Breitbart News obtained an exclusive clip where in next week’s episode, Pierson explains why, as a black woman, she supports the Republican Party – specifically the Tea Party.

“I got real heavily involved in grassroots, mainly with the Tea Party, because I have no affection for the Democrat Party,” Pierson explains on the upcoming episode of WE TV’s “Sisters in Law” airing on Thursday. “I think it’s shocking to black people when they see black Republicans because if you’re black, you have to be Democrat.”

“I did grow up on welfare, and now I’m a Republican because I survived [the] liberal system, the entitled system, the redistribution of wealth system,” she adds.

Pierson, when asked by Breitbart News why she decided to make guest appearances on the television show, said she thought, “I’ll give it a try because my whole thing has been … to try to help bring conservatism to the mainstream.”

“We never have our goals and our policies,” portrayed in mainstream culture, she explained. “Our thoughts are trapped in the media cycle.”

“One of my goals was to try to bring conservatism mainstream, so when they asked me to do this I thought this would be the perfect opportunity,” she explained.

Pierson, when previously asked by D Magazine why she has been meeting with Hollywood types, said:

Liberals pretty much have a monopoly on Hollywood. And conservatives of Hollywood are pretty much blacklisted if they come out. So there’s this ongoing idea, with some movers and shakers, where we find enough capital to purchase our own production company. Because the way it works – and conservatives aren’t plugged into that culture, so they don’t understand: you make a blockbuster like Lincoln – which maybe costs $65 million to make – and make billions. That money is then funneled back into the liberal side of Hollywood. We need to be doing the same thing: making movies and funneling that money into the conservative side of the culture.

“Sisters in Law” is a television show featuring a group of black female attorneys in Houston, Texas. It airs on Thursday at 10 PM eastern.

Watch the preview of next week’s episode below: