Ted Cruz PAC leader, president, and pollster Kellyanne Conway joined the Breitbart News Saturday radio program with guest host and Washington political editor Matthew Boyle. Conway discussed the state of the Republican primary, with two strongly anti-establishment candidates leading the race heading into Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary.

Cruz has been surging in Wisconsin recently with the endorsement of the state’s Gov. Scott Walker and two new polls putting Cruz solidly in the lead over GOP delegate count frontrunner Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump’s campaign has had a really rocky week or so and it’s being reflected in the polls,” Conway said during the Saturday radio program on SiriusXM Patriot. “There’s been very little growth for Donald Trump I think over the last seven to ten days Matt. He gets those voters early and they stick with him, they’re very loyal, but the growth opportunity has been the non-Trump vote, not the Trump vote, of late.”

Boyle asked how the Cruz campaign is preparing to prevent the establishment from swooping in with a candidate that is neither of the top two candidates, Trump or Cruz.

Conway responded:

Trump and Cruz people are really locked in arms as one on that major question which is, will they subvert the entire will of the people, and just parachute in, slide in somebody who has not been part of this process at all, who didn’t even run, or, Plan B of course Matt is slide in somebody who ran and was soundly rejected by the voters and has since left the race.

Conway said that even some establishment lawyer types are trying to steer establishment party leadership away from such a strategy. She remarked it has not been attempted in the history of modern politics and would likely lose those that have “beaten the establishment soundly.”

The fact that Trump and Cruz are the last two serious candidates standing and both are pretty much of a single mind on immigration is called causation, not coincidence … they’ve been able to build the trust among voters on a core issue that I think the establishment has missed for years. Including, if not especially, in the famous Republican autopsy from a couple years ago Matt, where the only substantive issue the RNC took on was immigration and insisted that we have comprehensive immigration reform owing to the fact that Mitt Romney was only able to cobble together 27 per cent of the Hispanic vote.

“That’s been completely turned on it’s head,” Conway said. Working class voters are looking at illegal immigration not only as an issue of border security, but also national security and as an economic issue.

Boyle and Conway went on to discuss Democrat establishment-picked candidate Hillary Clinton, who is struggling to stay ahead of self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders for the Democrat Party nomination.

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