House Speaker Paul Ryan was thunderously rebuked by Republican voters in his home state of Wisconsin for his position on Muslim migration, according to data from Tuesday’s exit polls.

The exit polls show that seven out of ten Wisconsin GOP voters support Donald Trump’s plan to temporarily pause Muslim migration — a proposal which has been repeatedly denounced by Paul Ryan.

“As has been the case throughout the GOP primaries this year, there’s broad support in these preliminary Wisconsin results (seven in 10) for Trump’s proposal to ban non-U.S. Muslims from entering the country,” writes ABC News.

As one of Congress’ most vocal proponents of continuing and even expanding large-scale Muslim migration, Speaker Ryan has been a vociferous critic of Trump’s plan to temporarily pause Muslim migration. In December, Ryan declared that Trump’s plan to pause immigration, “is not conservatism” and “is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for,” Ryan said.

After the Paris terror attacks, Ryan went so far as to rule out making any cuts to Muslim migration into the United States– telling Sean Hannity that curbing Muslim migration is not “appropriate” and insisting “that’s not who we are.”

A few weeks after the San Bernardino terror attack, Ryan funded expanded visa issuances to Muslim migrants.

Since 9/11 the U.S. has permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, several of the Muslim countries to which the U.S. issues large numbers of visas have very positive views of Sharia law. Pew writes, “Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support Sharia law as official law.” In the last five years, according to Department Homeland Security data, the U.S. issued 83,000 green cards to Iraq, 83,000 green cards to Pakistan, and 11,000 to Afghanistan.

If the current record-breaking pace of migration continues, within the next five years the U.S. will resettle a population of Muslim migrants that is larger than the population of Washington D.C.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate to propose a temporary pause on Muslim migration. Sen. Ted Cruz has rejected Trump’s proposal. In recent weeks, Trump’s campaign has hammered Cruz for his previous efforts to double immigration — including Muslim migration.