For the second time in less than 30 days, Black Lives Matter activist and Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay Mckesson is pulling less than one percent in a poll for the Baltimore Democratic mayoral race.

The poll, conducted by The Baltimore Sun and the University of Baltimore, asked questions of 400 likely Democratic primary voters and was conducted from April 1 to April 4.

Maryland State Senator Catherine E. Pugh has solidified her lead among the crowded 13-candidate race to become Baltimore’s 60th mayor.

Mckesson, for his part, has seen piles of money pour in from executives of companies including Twitter and Netflix, according to campaign filings.

Mckesson has also been boosted by a barrage of positive press. In recent weeks, the 30-year-old Baltimore native has had interviews published by major news outlets including The Huffington PostNBC News, and Newsweek.

However, despite the constant stream of favorable coverage and his massive social media reach, Mckesson continues to face near-impossible political odds in his bid for Baltimore mayor.

Baltimore’s Democratic primary will be held on April 26.

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