PayPal’s Facebook page is being flooded with angry people cancelling their accounts because of the company’s decision to cancel an expansion in North Carolina, which PayPal seems to consider homophobic and transphobic.

North Carolina passed a bill that made it illegal for the city of Charlotte to mandate that men could shower with girls. This, according to a panoply of corporate execs and entertainment/sports figures, is tantamount to human and civil rights violations and represents “open season” on the “gender nonconforming.”

Many have pointed out that PayPal still does business in countries where transsexuals are not only not allowed to shower with girls, but they are put to death.

Many people are wondering how they can stop doing business with PayPal yet still seamlessly buy things online.

A website called Search Engine Journal provides an answer with “The Top 12 Online Payment Alternatives to PayPal.” Just in time.

SEJ points out that “the market for mobile payment transactions will reach over $235 billion…” and that major players like Facebook and Apple are entering the market. PayPal customers are steamed for a number of reasons and not just political ones, including “…longstanding compainst such as poor customer service and frequently freezing accounts.”

For those who want to freeze out PayPal for political, business reasons, or any reason at all, there are alternatives. Links to each are in the article at SEJ.

Google Wallet












It should be noted that no one knows the number of the transgendered in the United States. The Williams Institute at UCLA, a pro-trans think-tank, asserts there are 700,000. Even if this were true, based on population, that would mean of the roughly 10 million North Carolinians, PayPal is going to the mattresses for roughly 20,000 people.