Welcome to Breitbart News’s live update of the 2016 horse race.

All times eastern.

9:00: Mitt Romney’s niece (Michigan GOP Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel) tells the Detroit News that she intends to support Trump after the first ballot at a potential contested convention:

Romney McDaniel told The News she and Berden will go to the national convention as Trump delegates. Agema is expected to pledge his vote to Cruz.

Asked Friday if she plans to support Trump’s nomination beyond the first ballot, McDaniel told The Detroit News she intends to do so.



7:40: Cruz on his way to big win in Colorado:

7:35: Kasich marvels at Sanders’s success:

7:29: Clinton surrogate refers to Clinton as the “real Democrat” in the race.

7:17: Clinton again blasts Trump as a “flamboyant” speechmaker who incites and blasts him for his “amateur hour” statements on the stump. She also mocks his plans to build a border wall:

7:10: Clinton’s response when asked if her husband should apologize to Black Lives  Matter activists:

7:06: Clinton seems to be getting more hoarse and says students should not have to pay off their debt after 20 years. She wants “national service options” to allow people to go to college.

7:05: Clinton continuing Upstate New York tour to win back voters who supported her during her Senate run:

7:03: Kasich getting strong reception in New York:

7:00: Dr. Ben Carson’s advice to Trump campaign:

“I would say read the Bible and pray, and learn how to put yourself in other people’s shoes.”


6:55: Pro-Kasich Super PAC attacks “crazy” Trump/Cruz:

5:33: Sanders vows local police reform and to “redo the War on Drugs.” He says we can argue about the “plusses and minuses” of marijuana but it is not a killer drug like heroin and that is why marijuana use should not be a federal crime.

5:25: Sanders calls for a political revolution where millions stand up and tell the “billionaire class that they can’t have it all.” He continues to blasts the “rich” after talking about the Panama Papers.

5:18: Sanders surrogate Sarandon says he is not bought and the Iraq War Clinton supported did “psychic damage.”

5:17: Sanders supporter screaming about “systemic racism” at Brooklyn rally:

5:11: Anti-Trump voter guide attacking Trump for being “Pro-Oprah.”

5:09: Clinton continues to go after Sanders for saying she was not qualified to be president:

4:32: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) says Cruz has the advantage because of his delegate recruitment efforts and Trump’s ceiling in the polls.  Lee has said he would be surprised if Cruz did not win on the second ballot at a contested convention.

4:25: Trump campaign really downplaying expectations in Colorado:

4:22: Huffington Post Blasting Bill Clinton for Defending Welfare Reform: “C’mon Man.”

4:20: When asked about Clinton’s remarks to Black Lives Matter agitators, Devine says the Clintons need to realize that the Black Lives Matter movement is important and the activists have “real grievances that they are trying to air” and the Clintons don’t realize they do have real grievances.

4:15: On CNN, Tad Devine, Sanders’s top strategist, says Sanders didn’t go too far in insisting that Clinton wasn’t qualified to be president. He has “no regret” about it at all. Devine says Krugman could not be more wrong for saying that Sanders is acting like a “Bernie Bro.”

4:05: Clinton at another Buffalo event:

4:00: Ice Cube also says he has met Trump in the past and said the GOP frontrunner was “cool.”

3:35: Cruz racking up delegates in Colorado as Trump focuses all of his efforts in New York:

3:30: Clinton may have broken NY MTA rules:

3:20: Trump mocks Clinton’s “sad” attempt at “pandering” by riding subway:


3:15: Clinton Library releasing 464 documents related to Donald Trump:

3:13: She says Trump hates it when she says this but she has gotten a million more votes than Trump during this election cycle.

3:11: Clinton, in Buffalo, says the New York primary will “decide what happens in this nominating race” and insists she is taking nothing for granted.

3:00: Protesters outside of Clinton’s Buffalo event:


3:57: Clinton learning about aneurysms in Buffalo:

2:55: Cruz issues statement on Lackland Air Force Base shooting:

2:50: Bernie Sanders holds campaign event in front of his old Brooklyn home: