Following Sen. Ted Cruz’s “voterless victory “ in Colorado, Donald Trump’s senior policy advisor Stephen Miller called on Cruz to demand an election in Colorado.

“Cruz should be demanding an election in Colorado if he really is a man of the people,” Miller said in a Fox Business interview Monday morning. Miller explained that the lack of a primary means Colorado soldiers, who fought to give Iraqis the right to vote, could not vote in their own home state for their desired presidential candidate.

“Cruz performs better with party insiders. Trump preforms better with voters,” Miller said in a separate Monday morning Fox News interview. Miller pointed out that Cruz has “only won three primaries outside of his home state. Cruz doesn’t win with voters, Cruz wins with insiders.”

Miller said that “one of the big media myths I would like to bust” is that “Cruz isn’t winning more delegates because of a superior organization. Cruz is winning more delegates because of inferior ideas. In other words, Trump is challenging forty years of failed orthodoxy on trade and immigration, so he threatens established interests. Cruz doesn’t,” Miller said.

“Senator Cruz is a demagogic supporter of cheaper goods are always better: if China can devalue their currency and bring something in cheaper, that’s good,” Miller said on Fox Business, referring to Cruz’s history of opposing efforts to crack down on Chinese currency cheating and support for globalist trade pacts.

Miller says:

You have Ted Cruz who styles himself—I guess, more recently— as a man of the people, crowing about a delegate win in the state that canceled — I repeat, canceled — its election. There was not an election in Colorado … Just to give a sense of the magnitude of this. Think of this as an example — let’s say that you are a soldier in Colorado, who served overseas in Iraq to provide Iraq with a safe and secure election — remember everyone with the purple fingers a few years back. That same soldier, let’s say she returns to Colorado having given Iraqis an election, that soldier in Colorado, she can’t vote for who she wants to be her president. Cruz should be demanding an election in Colorado if he really is a man of the people.

Miller noted that one of the key questions worth asking is “Should there be an election? Should one person have one vote? The Trump campaign says yes. The Cruz campaign says no,” Miller said.

In the Fox News interview, Miller also said that:

Three in four delegates are chosen by the party, so they’re going to tend to favor Ted Cruz. Are we going to fight for every delegate? Of course we are, but Cruz isn’t winning the delegates because of superior organization, Cruz performs better with party insiders. Trump preforms better with voters. Cruz has only won — in the entire country — two primaries outside his home region. He won Texas [and] Oklahoma in his home region and only two other primaries outside his home region — only three primaries outside his home state. Cruz doesn’t win with voters, Cruz wins with insiders.