Hillary Clinton canceled an appearance on Good Morning America slated for Friday morning even though records reveal that her official schedule for the day is blank.

Clinton was supposed to make a post-debate town hall appearance on the show, but the interview was canceled at the last minute Thursday. ABC cited a “scheduling issue” while rival network executives told the Daily Mail that the cancellation came from Clinton, who is in New York campaigning. The event will reportedly not be re-scheduled due to the show’s focus on its next town hall with Ted Cruz.

Clinton needs a decisive showing in Thursday night’s debate to stave off Bernie Sanders’ momentum in the New York primary. Sanders is slamming Clinton on her massive Wall Street donations, while Black Lives Matter activists are tying Hillary to her husband’s criminal justice policies of the 1990’s.

The Clinton campaign has only one scheduled event Friday, at which she will presumably not appear: It is a fundraising dinner in Hong Kong hosted by her chief financial officer Gary Gensler.

Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill did not return a request for comment.