At 5 AM on a chilly morning in New York, hundreds of organizers and protesters were already gathering near the Fox News/News Corp. building in preparation for a series of planned events around a variety of Democrat-aligned issues including raising the minimum wage, union issues, the push for immigration reform, and attacks on leading Republican candidates. The demonstrations continued across the country throughout the day.

All updates are Eastern time:

11:54 PM:

Anti-Trump agitators fly Mexican flag in Manhattan:


From Jen Lawrence:

8:55 PM:

Some exclusive video from Breitbart reporters Matthew Boyle and Jennifer Lawrence:

Drama as Cops Try to Keep Peace in NYC:

Race Through Streets Just Before Arrests:

Protesters Storm Grand Central:

8:51 PM:

Agitators Beating Up “Trump” Outside Grand Central:

They take to the streets:

This sign:

These chants:

“Undocumented and Here to Stay”:

Protesters chanting “Black Lives Matter” clashing with Trump supporters:

More testy exchanges:

8:22 PM:

Breitbart’s Jennifer Lawrence saw police arrest at least three protesters–many more may have been arrested–as they took control of the Pershing Square overpass. Lawrence herself was held briefly by a female police officer, but was let go upon confirmation that she represented Breitbart News. Black Lives Matter activists weren’t happy, as they shouted back at the cops, “Why did you let the white girl go?”

8:08 PM:

8:03 PM:









8:00 PM:

Teamsters for Trump:

Black Lives Matter at Grand Central:

“Jail Killer Cops” Sign:


Counter protest:


New York police have so far successfully contained a little over 1000 leftist protesters outside Grand Central Station. The group has been largely reduced to chanting behind barricades across the street from the Grand Hyatt New York, where Republicans are holding an event.

7:17 PM:

Unused signs:

7:11 PM:

A series of updates:

Outside the Grand Hyatt outside Grand Central Station, protesters have occupied New York City’s 42nd street with the exception of a couple hundred yards all the way from Lexington Avenue through Madison avenue. That’s nearly five full blocks of protesters who have converged from different parts of the city and the event is just beginning.

Watch some confrontations at the anti-Trump protests here.

Activists calling on more anti-Trump agitators to join the crowd at Grand Central:

Turnout reportedly not that big at Grand Central:

Anti-Trump Agitators already clashing with police:

Trump supporter enter anti-Trump protest:

Anti-Trump agitators hold sign comparing Trump to Hitler:

A small sign that he isn’t winging it 100% of the time.

Agitators Outside Trump Rally in Patchogue, NY in Suffolk County:

Agitators at Grand Central holding up “No Allegiance to Trump” signs:

“Black Lives Matter” area being set up:

Anti-Trump agitators to make life miserable for commuters:

More anti-Trump agitators at Grand Central in NYC:

Anti-Trump protesters getting ready across the street from Grand Central:

6:04 PM: 

Protesters inside Grand Central Station:


5:38 PM: 

The union-organized protesters, Black Lives Matter activists, and various factions of New York’s socialist and anarchist community are all gathering at New York’s grand central station with the plan to shut down Republican presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Later tonight, though, same protesters may be gathering in Brooklyn for the free media magnet of the debate between the Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

The Breitbart News team is there, as well, and will be bringing you exclusive updates on the LiveWire all evening.

5:31 PM: Police and reporters outside the Grand Hyatt. (Lee Stranahan / Breitbart News)

3:58 PM: Meet Mr. “Fight for 15.” From Raw Story:

When California’s and New York’s governors recently signed landmark laws establishing a $15 minimum wage, David Rolf, Seattle’s most prominent union leader, could be forgiven for feeling proud.

Though many miles away, Rolf helped make those things happen. The president of a local chapter of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), he spearheaded the effort to create the nation’s first $15 minimum wage, in SeaTac, a Seattle suburb, in 2013. Rolf then played a pivotal role in making Seattle the first major city to enact a $15 minimum.

There’s another reason Rolf is feeling good about the $15 victories – this coming Tuesday [April 12] is the publication date for his new book, The Fight for Fifteen: The Right Wage for a Working America.

Read the full article here.

3:12 PM: “Shut s**t down” chant.

2:34 PM: Facebook screenshot appears to show a protester (seen in today’s photos wearing a “F*** the Pigs” t-shirt) declaring: “F*** peace… Tomorrow we rise up.”

This individual also posed for a photo with Charles Barron, a former Black Panther and current Assemblyman recently admonished by Bill Bratton for threatening “violence is inevitable” if police officer Peter Liang is not sent to jail.

2:23 PM: A government source says that social media posts appear to show protesters pregaming, or drinking in preparation for the evening. While not tagged, the person purportedly in these photos describes herself as an “organizer/activist.”

The Twitter users who posted these photos previously tweeted about today’s protests:

1:19 PM: New photos from the scene. All credits: Lee Stranahan / Breitbart News. **Warning: Graphic Language**

12:35 PM: These are guys who didn’t want to pay a fare. Fighting with a cabbie in Manhattan.

12:11 PM: More marching in Brooklyn, including a marching band.

12:01 PM: English-Spanish signs: “Economic justice = racial justice = immigrant justice.”

11:54 AM: Anarchy flag.

11:10 AM: Video of New York City police at the protest:

11:01 AM: In Brooklyn, a coalition of protesters, including union, Black Lives Matter, and New York communist party activists, has put up a barricade in front of a McDonald’s, although it remains open.

A march started at Brooklyn’s Supreme Court, complete with a marching band and dancers.

The protesters told Breitbart News that they were the same people out at 5 AM this morning, and they plan to be at Grand Central Station this evening.

10:39 AM: Tweets under the hashtag #FightFor15 show scenes from protests around the country:

9:27 AM: Barriers have been erected outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

9:15 AM: Breitbart News’ Alex Marlow and Lee Stranahan discussed the forces converging in New York City today, as union-lead fast food worker protesters combined with Verizon protesters, Black Lives Matter activists, and supporters of all four major presidential candidates. Republicans are holding an event later tonight at the Grand Hyatt Hotel near Grand Central Station, while Democrat contenders Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will be debating tonight at 9 PM in Brooklyn.

9:05 AM: Organized “Fight for $15” protests are going on all across America, from New York City to Los Angeles to Minnesota, Colorado, Missouri, and more:

8:55 AM: The official Twitter account of Service Employees International Union, Local 721, tweeted the following:

7:28 AM: Protesters gather outside the set of Good Morning America:

6:44 AM: The Twitter account of the Fight for 15 movement to raise the minimum wage tweeted the following:

Exclusive video shot by Breitbart News shows the protesters gathered before sunrise, ready to create chaos in New York with multiple planned marches and other disruptions.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon described the situation in New York as a “gathering of the tribes” as various factions including unions, Black Lives Matter, and the usual suspects of far left educators came together.