The North Carolina law allowing schools and companies to keep separate bathrooms for females and males has been undermined by a new decision from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals which apparently bars single-sex bathrooms.

In a press conference today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory said, “I very strongly disagree with both President Obama and, frankly, Attorney General Roy Cooper’s [political] objective to force high schools to allow boys in girls’ restrooms or shower facilities. I think it is bad precedent and I don’t think it’s the tradition way we do things.”

The decision announced yesterday concerned a high school girl in Gloucester, Va., who thinks she’s a boy and who wants the school to validate her feelings by allowing her to use the boys’ bathrooms. The school offered to let her to use a private restroom, but she insisted on getting official approval to use the boys’ room.

Two of the three judges backed her claim, saying they defer to a letter from officials at the Department of Education who claim that 1970s-era prohibitions on sex discrimination also bar discrimination based on “gender identity.”

But that decision, however make it impossible for schools to have bathrooms just for boys or just for girls, and also impossible for schools to comply with federal privacy laws, said a statement from the judge who opposed the decision. 

Since then, transgender activists have asked the Department of Education to enforce the two-judge decision in Virginia on all government-funded schools.

Progressive groups are promoting the “bathroom equality” campaign as part of a large push to outlaw and stigmatize any actions or attitudes that recognize the routine differences in physical abilities and personal preferences between male and female Americans. 

McCrory told reporters that he has asked his legal team to look at the decision and determine what their way forward might be. He insisted he is sworn to uphold decisions of the court and that he would do so in this case.

McCrory also pointed out that 27 other states that do not allow men in dresses into women’s bathrooms. He said the decision will likely go to the Supreme Court.

North Carolina Senate Leader Phil Berger said, “People need to wake up: Roy Cooper, Barack Obama and two unelected federal judges are on the verge of completing their radical social reengineering of our society by forcing middle school-aged girls to share school locker rooms with boys. House Bill 2 was our effort to stop this insanity, and I hope this proves the bathroom safety bill has nothing to do with discrimination and everything to do with protecting women’s privacy and keeping men out of girls’ bathrooms.”

Studies show there are only a miniscule number of “transgenders” in the United States. According to the pro-trans Williams Institute at UCLA less than one-quarter of one percent of the US population identifies as “trans” which would mean only 1 in every 440 people have the affliction of “gender dysphoria.” A study of 2010 census data indicates that only 1 in every 2,400 adults want to live as members of the other sex.