John Kasich does not have a candidate statement in the Oregon Primary Election voter pamphlet as the Ohio governor shifts focus on campaigning against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump in Oregon and New Mexico.

Sunday night news broke that Kasich and Sen. Ted Cruz struck an agreement specifying that Kasich will focus on Oregon and New Mexico and essentially ignore Indiana. Cruz has already shifted to focus on Indiana and will leave the other two states to Kasich.

Upon review of the Oregon Secretary of State website, it appears that Cruz and Trump have candidate statements, while a statement from Kasich is noticeably absent.

Molly Woon, spokesperson for Secretary Jeanne Atkins, told Breitbart News that Kasich was sent a letter informing him how to submit a statement for the voter pamphlet, but “I do not believe we received any communication from Mr. Kasich.”

Woon said, “We sent a letter to Mr. Kasich on January 12 telling him that he would be on the primary election ballot, here are the steps to take to be included on the primary election voter pamphlet.”

The deadline for submitting that statement was not until March 10.

The letter to Kasich provided by the Oregon SOS to Breitbart News:

Woon confirmed that Kasich will be on the May 17 Oregon Primary Election ballot and that he was listed on a portion of the voter pamphlet that lists all candidates; however, “He is not included in the bio section of the ballot that is customary… The pamphlet is sent to every single household in Oregon. Includes voter registration card and pamphlet. Deadline to register to vote is tomorrow at midnight and pamphlets went out last week.”

Kasich campaign spokesman Chris Schrimpf told Breitbart News:

Gov. Kasich is on the ballot in Oregon, and the campaign will do its part to educate voters about why they should vote for him the primary. Gov. Kasich is the only candidate with a proven record of accomplishment and the only one who can defeat Hillary Clinton. As chairman of the budget committee, he helped enact the first federal balanced budget since man walked on the moon. As governor of Ohio, he turned a $8 billion deficit into a $2 billion surplus, cut taxes more than any other sitting governor and helped create more than 400,000 new jobs. To top it off, he has led Hillary Clinton in 15 consecutive general election polls. Gov. Kasich is the only Republican who can unite the Party and win in November.

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