On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon asked Donald Trump about the appointment of his business associate Steven Mnuchin as campaign finance chairman.

The move has been criticized because of Mnuchin’s long tenure with Goldman Sachs–the financial giant seen as a Wall Street villain by the populist constituency that propelled Trump to victory in the GOP primary. In fact, during the Republican primary, Senator Ted Cruz was criticized because his wife Heidi worked for the company.

“Some people are saying, ‘He’s selling out to Wall Street already; he’s gonna have all kinds of favors he’s going to owe Wall Street,’” Bannon noted.  

“Well, I needed somebody smart, and he’s very smart, as you know,” Trump said of Mnuchin. “He’s done some amazing deals. I actually did a deal with him in Hawaii; I built a hotel with him in Hawaii. He’s great. He’s a good guy. He’s a solid guy, as you know.  And you know, the family is a wonderful family.”

Trump said he was not “selling out” anything in terms of policy by bringing Mnuchin on board his campaign team, insisting he would “keep it more or less the same.”

“He’s raising money for the party,” he said about Mnuchin’s role, adding:

And I’m gonna be putting up a lot of money. So this is money that’s going to the Republican National Committee. I think we could raise a billion dollars, but the Democrats are gonna have two billion dollars. And to raise a billion dollars for the party, you need somebody good.

“I think he’s going to do a great job–but, again, I’m going to be spending a tremendous amount of money, and I expect to,” Trump said.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. EST.