David Martosko of the Daily Mail sat down with Donald Trump the day before he became the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and discussed a wide range of policy issues.

From the Daily Mail:

Trump told DailyMail.com that he wants to spice up the Republican National Convention with some of the television production values that helped rocket his ‘Apprentice’ franchise to the top of the ratings.

He pledged to continue the Obama administration’s policy of using unmanned military drones to eliminate terror leaders overseas.

And he promised not to tear up first lady Michelle Obama’s vegetable garden for a place to practice his golf skills in between Oval office meetings.

‘I won’t be building a chipping green,’ Trump said.

Asked if he would commit to holding press conferences ‘once or twice a month,’ he said ‘I think it’s something that I would do,’ describing Q-and-A sessions with reporters as a way to ‘cheerlead’ for the nation.

‘You know, our country needs a cheerleader. President Obama has not been a cheerleader,’ he said.

Obama famously finished his first term in office with fewer press conferences under his belt than any president since Ronald Reagan.

‘When it’s appropriate, I would certainly be – I would certainly hold press conferences,’ he said, noting his own unusual habit of taking questions from the media following most of his primary election victories.

‘I would be inclined because I want the country to know what’s going on. There’ll be times when I think getting the word out is a very positive thing,’ Trump said.

Read the rest of the story here.

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