Sen. Marco Rubio did his best on Monday to get ahead of rumors that he might be willing to serve as a vice president to GOP front runner Donald Trump.

“While Republican voters have chosen Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee, my previously stated reservations about his campaign and concerns with many of his policies remain unchanged,” Rubio said in a Facebook statement.

“He will be best served by a running mate and by surrogates who fully embrace his campaign. As such, I have never sought, will not seek and do not want to be considered for Vice President,” said Rubio, who lost his home state of Florida to Trump.

The campaign rhetoric between Rubio and Trump was particularly vitriolic as Trump constantly belittled the Florida Senator as “little Marco,” and Rubio slammed the real estate mogul as a “con artist.”

While distancing himself from the now presumed GOP nominee, Rubio said today he would focus his attention “on representing the people of Florida, retaining a conservative majority in the Senate and electing principled conservatives across the country.”

Over the last week there has been considerable speculation on whether or not Trump and Rubio spoke.

During the debates earlier this year, Rubio was asked if he would support the GOP nominee even if it turned out to be Trump. Like the other GOP candidates at the time, Rubio said he would. But after he suspended his campaign, Rubio changed his stance saying he is unsure if he will support Trump.

Rubio is not running for reelection, and will leave the U.S. Senate in January.

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