Veteran political strategist Roger Stone joined Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM with guest host Matthew Boyle, Breitbart’s Washington political editor, and discussed Hillary Clinton’s reported bullying and silencing of women who were allegedly assaulted by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

“Wait until you see the film version of the Clintons’ War on Women,” Stone told Boyle. “Wait until you see the women themselves tell the story about how they were physically abused by Bill and then psychologically abused by Hillary.”

“The only difference between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton is Cosby drugged his victims, Bill preferred to physically overpower them. That was his M.O.,” Stone charged.

“This isn’t about indiscretions or marital infidelity or adultery or girlfriends. It’s about sexual assault or rape,” Stone added. “These women are not going to be silent and, if I may paraphrase Hillary, they deserve to be believed.”

Stone said CNN and other mainstream media outlets have been censoring this news about the Clintons and their treatment of women, alleging, “They literally pull the cord on your microphone.” He continued:

They want to define this narrative as being about marital infidelity or adultery, that way people can say, ‘Oh well, that’s their business.’ They recognize that voters will accept that, as they have in the past, but they won’t accept the idea that Bill Clinton has assaulted women. But far more troubling, it’s Hillary Clinton who bullies and intimidates and degrades the women after they’ve been abused by her husband.

“These women will not be silenced,” Stone promised, saying they’ll be telling their stories about Hillary Clinton. “Voters in all fairness can decide who is telling the truth and who is lying.”

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday.