Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told Fox News host Megyn Kelly during their first formal interview since the GOP primary debate last August, that he wishes he hadn’t retweeted the photo of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) wife Heidi next to a photo of his super model wife Melania and admits that retweets have gotten him in trouble.

“I wish I didn’t do it,” Trump said during the interview on Tuesday night. “She’s very much involved in the campaign,” so that could make her fair game, Trump justified about the Heidi Cruz retweet that resulted in backlash.

“The thing that gets me in trouble is the retweets … the tweets I seem to do [pretty] well with,” Trump told Kelly.

He admitted that “after seven or eight o’clock if I’m home, I’ll do it myself,” but when he is in the office, he calls out a tweet to a member of his staff who will type it out for him.

When asked about his supporters responding to people Trump criticizes on Twitter — such as Megyn Kelly herself — Trump said, “I don’t want that to happen, but my fans, we have an unbelievable bond.”

“You would be amazed at the ones I don’t retweet,” Trump added.

Kelly asked Trump about tweets that referred to her as a “bimbo.”

Trump said that’s “not the most horrible thing … over your life Megyn, you’ve been called a lot worse wouldn’t you say?”