Republican National Committee Chief Strategist Sean Spicer joined guest host Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM and told him Donald Trump along with the Republican Party will fully vet Hillary Clinton ahead of the general election in November.

“We’ve been at it for four years going through her record,” Spicer told Boyle. “This idea that people know who she is and that they’ve seen everything is just ridiculous.”

“We scratched the surface,” he added. “There’s so much there.”

“Republicans have been accused in the past, and some degree rightfully so, of not tearing the bark off of our opponents and this year Donald Trump has made it very clear we are going to be aggressive,” and do what it takes to win, Spicer explained.

He said the big rift in the Democratic Party seems to be ideologically driven compared to more of a personality divide that occurred in the Republican Party.

“There is much more of a ‘Never Hillary,’” Spicer said. “One in ten Sanders [voters] are saying, ‘I’ll vote for Trump,’ and that’s amazing.”

Breitbart News Sunday airs every Sunday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125.