Left-wing racial activists and their allies in the mainstream media are now 0-for-4 on cases that sparked national racial protests in recent years and have come down to definitive judgments on whether or not to prosecute the target of the media’s scorn.

Baltimore police officer Edward Nero’s acquittal Monday in the death of Freddie Gray stretches the media’s losing streak to four consecutive major cases. The media and activists have shown an indefatigable willingness to jump into law enforcement matters that involve racial powder kegs and potential mass protests. But their strategy to jump into the fray early, always on the side of the deceased, might be damaging their credibility on these stories.

Let’s look at their last four losses:


Black Lives Matter protesters seized on the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody to call for Officer Nero to be put behind bars. But a “Not Guilty” verdict on all four counts will likely only inflame the tensions that intense media coverage has created around this case.

Ferguson, Missouri

Officer Darren Wilson became one of the most vilified cops in American history after he shot and killed Michael Brown, leading to racially-motivated riots in the Missouri city.

But Wilson was not indicted on any charges connected to the case, providing the media and activists another notable loss.

New York City

The choking death of street vendor Eric Garner by an NYPD officer spawned nationwide cries of “Chokehold” during racial-justice protests and prompted typical involvement by Al Sharpton, who was later privately insulted by Garner’s daughter. But that officer, Daniel Pantaleo, was acquitted by a grand jury.

Sanford, Florida

The shooting death of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman prompted media outrage, protests, a presidential comment from President Obama, and wide calls for Zimmerman’s conviction on murder charges. But the verdict was problematic for activists.