Sen. Marco Rubio is criticizing the media, urging it to report the truth about violent protests at Donald Trump rallies.

“Hope media will start to report truth, many of the violent protestors [at Donald Trump] events are ‘professional protestors,’ not grassroots,” he said on Twitter early this morning.

Rubio added that there was a “whole industry of professional disrupters who go to events to disrupt them knowing cameras will gravitate to them.”

“These protests [are] not organic,” he said.

Rubio’s comments are starkly different than his reaction to the protests in Chicago when the Florida senator was still running against Trump for the Republican nomination for president.

“I’m telling you, that this boiling point that we have now reached has been fed largely by the fact that we have a frontrunner in my party who has fed into language that basically justifies physically assaulting people who disagree with you,” Rubio said in a press conference the morning after the riots in Chicago in March.

At that time, Rubio warned the political process was careening towards chaos, and blamed Trump’s angry and bitter rhetoric during his rallies for sparking the violence.

“It’s not just about Chicago, it happened in St. Louis … this has happened repeatedly now, this is not new. This is a pattern,” he said. “You cannot say whatever you want, words have consequences.”