When former President Bill Clinton announced his presidential campaign in 1991, he made a lot of promises, including a now-familiar phrase echoed by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“I believe that we can make America great again, and with your help, your heart, your devotion and your efforts, we can build a community of hope that will inspire the world,” he said, as supporters cheered,” according to a CSPAN clip spotted by writer Kevin Rennie.

Clinton also used the phrase to respond to an attack from George H.W. Bush in 1992.

“I want to attack these problems and make America great again,” he said in a clip unearthed by political strategist Chuck Thies in November.

During a campaign speech in Georgia in September 1992, Clinton again used the phrase during a stop in Georgia.

But it appears that Bill Clinton loved the phrase so much, he used it again in a radio ad in January 2008 to defend his wife against President Obama.

“It’s time for another comeback, time to make America great again. I know Hillary’s the one that can do it,” he said according to then Politico blogger Ben Smith.

But recently, Clinton has criticized the slogan, arguing that the past was not what people remember.

“I said, ‘If you believe things should be made as they once were — which is essentially, “Make America Great Again” — remember this: It wasn’t so great for a lot of people the way things once were,'” Clinton said, during a campaign event in New Jersey last month.