Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, a key member of the Communications and Technology subcommittee, said that Hillary Clinton put the identities of American operatives at risk when she exposed their names on her private email server.

“Hillary Clinton chose to set up a system that was going to put the identities of these operatives at risk. Whether they are our operatives or they are someone with an ally that we are working with, it is completely inappropriate,” Blackburn said on Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Channel 125.

Breitbart News exclusively reported that Clinton exchanged numerous names marked by the federal government with “B3 CIA PERS/ORG” redactions, which protect intelligence sources and methods in accordance with the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. Clinton’s sharing of those names on her non-secure private server could result in the FBI recommending indictment against Clinton for violating the Espionage Act.

“So it leads you, just like with the scandals in the past…it leads you to say, ‘Okay, that’s her pattern of operating in the past. And she’s been caught,'” Blackburn said, adding:

No matter how many times she tries to say, “Oh, that’s old news,” “Oh, there was nothing there,” … people do not believe that–because Hillary Clinton is so upside-down in her trustworthiness and effectiveness numbers. They know she did it so that she could cover up her emails. They know she did because it was more convenient for her.

Former Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence General Jerry Boykin, who served in the Bush administration, appeared on the same Breitbart News Saturday broadcast with Blackburn and called for an indictment against Clinton.

“What Hillary Clinton has done, I can tell you, it is…punishable by jail time. I think, ultimately, she’s going to be indicted. She has to be. This cannot stand,” Boykin said on the program.

“It was not a spy case, but it was still the mishandling of classified information that has exposed them and put them in great jeopardy,” Boykin said.