Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is claiming the Democratic nomination for president as the pinnacle of feminism around the world.

“Tonight’s victory is not about one person,” Clinton said during her speech. “It belongs to generations of women and men who struggled and sacrificed and made this moment possible.”

The Clinton campaign played a video before the speech featuring not only historic suffragists and women’s liberation movement leaders, but also modern activists demanding abortion, amnesty, racial justice, and gender rights.

The video highlighted scenes from the modern struggle for abortion rights pioneered by Wendy Davis in Texas and also scenes from WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend) rallies.

Also featured is Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin who has campaigned with Clinton for more gun control and two transgender African-American activists Blossom Brown and Cherno Biko.

“Our time is coming. We’re going to change the world together,” they shout in the video.

Other scenes include women illegal immigrants chanting “Sí, se puede” at a rally.

Other feminists featured in the video include teenage activist Madison Kimrey, who campaigned against voter ID laws in North Carolina proclaiming that she was “part of the new generation of suffragists.”

Other highlighted quotes include a clip from Ann Richards during the 1988 Democratic National Convention praising actress Ginger Rogers for doing everything that co-star Fred Astaire did but “backwards and in high heels.”

Elected women officials in the video include Shirley Chisholm — the first African-American woman to be elected to Congress, Patsy Mink — the first Asian-American elected to Congress, and Margaret Chase Smith — a Republican woman who ran for president in the 1960s.

The video also features Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman nominated to the Supreme Court.

The campaign video sends a clear message that Clinton’s campaign represents the pinnacle of feminism, as if all these activists are working toward one goal that she will help them achieve.

“Let’s learn from the wisdom of every mother and father who teaches their daughter there is no limit on how big she can dream and how much she can achieve,” Clinton says in the video.