President Barack Obama has endorsed Hillary Clinton to be his presidential successor, and a White House spokesman said that the endorsement will not affect the F.B.I. investigation into the former Secretary of State’s use of a private email server.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the FBI investigation into Clinton’s email practices would be “conducted independent of any political interference.” He indicated that Obama was comfortable endorsing Clinton knowing that career law enforcement officials would not be swayed by his political decision.

“The reason that the president feels confident that he can go out and make this endorsement and record a video in which he describes his strong support for Secretary Clinton’s campaign, is that he knows that the people who are conducting the investigation aren’t going to be swayed by any sort of political interference,” Earnest said.

He said the president was confident that investigators of the case would “guided by the facts” and “follow the evidence where it leads,” despite his political endorsement.