Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says that gun control is critical for Homeland Security, suggesting that Americans should disarm to stop homegrown terrorism.

“We have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of homeland security as well, given the prospect of homegrown, home born extremism in this country,” Johnson said in an interview with CBS this morning, calling gun control “critical to public safety.”

Johnson admitted that he previously hadn’t advocated for gun control publicly, but that the terrorist attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida made him speak out.

“I think that we have to face the facts — that gun control is part and parcel of homeland security and how things are evolving,” he said.

Johnson singled out “assault weapons” as part of the threat posed to Americans.

“[Y]ou can see the devastation and death that one assault rifle with a number of magazines can bring about,” he said, stating that gun control would “minimize the opportunities for terrorists to get a gun.”