A gang of transsexuals attacked an American and a Latin American boy who were defending the privacy of a woman’s bathroom at a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic this week.

Gregory Mertz, a Washington DC-based American who works for Madrid-based CitizenGo.com, said he witnessed a young man try to keep men out of the lady’s room at the Hotel Catalonia where the General Assembly of the OAS was meeting.

In taped testimony provided exclusively to Breitbart News, Mertz says he witnessed transsexuals “hijacking the women’s bathroom. They were standing in front of it and it appeared they weren’t allowing anyone to go through.”

This occurred as the OAS was discussing family issues a few feet away at the ballroom of the hotel.

Mertz said a young man, identified as Dominican 18-year-old pro-family activist Jean Marco, was defending the lady’s room and was surrounded by shouting transsexuals.

“They came out of nowhere,” Mertz said, “chanting ‘no transphobia.’”

He said a woman stepped in to defend the boy and the rapidly growing and agitated crowd pushed her and the boy against the wall. Mertz put himself between the crowd and the two under assault at which point “what appeared to be a female transgender, a biological male, punched me,” says Mertz.

“The boy and the woman were smashed up against my back and the wall. I was thinking at the time that I needed to get them into the bathroom. The crowd was really getting violent. I saw darkness in their eyes. They were intent on going after the boy.”

Marianna Orlandi, an attorney with the New York and Washington-based Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam), witnessed the melee and said the transgenders were “more than 6 feet tall and weighed more than 200 pounds.” Mertz said the boy weighed no more than 100 pounds.

The meeting of the OAS happening just inside halted as the noise from the mayhem was heard throughout the building.

Orlandi said, “There was this moment of panic going on. The Secretary General told us we could not leave the room.”

Mertz said, “The unfortunate thing is there were only four of us.” He said the boy was eventually rescued by an OAS official who pulled him from the crowd.

Domincan law does not allow men into women’s bathrooms.