A gay man has made a riveting Youtube video urging the gay community to vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the aftermath of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attack by an Islamic State sympathizer.

“The Sleeping Giant,” a Youtube user who describes himself a “disaffected former liberal who just so happens to be gay,” made an emotional appeal for Trump in the video:

Hillary Clinton is up there talking about guns. And I just wanted to pull my hair out of my head in frustration because this isn’t about guns. If he [Omar Mateen] didn’t have a gun then maybe it would have been a bomb. It could have been arson. It could have been any number of tools to kill people because it’s not about the tool. It’s about terrorism. It’s about radical Islam. And we need to say it. Because if we can’t even say it then how are we going to fight it?

In November, we have two options. You may not like either of them. A lot of people don’t. You have Hillary Clinton and you have Donald Trump. And all I can say right now is that Hillary Clinton is politicizing this and talking about gun control. And Donald Trump, for all his faults, has the courage to stand up and call it what it is. Radical Islam. It is terrorism. They’re killing us, you guys. They’re killing us.

I want him to fight them. I want them to pay. And I’m not ashamed to say it that I want revenge.

Hillary Clinton? She’s going to make our borders less secure. She’s going to take away our ability to defend ourselves.