The Republican National Committee (RNC) said that Hillary Clinton’s meeting Saturday with the Federal Bureau of Investigation makes her the first major party presidential candidate to sit for an interview with an FBI criminal investigation about her own conduct.

RNC chairman Reince Priebus remarked upon the historical significance of such an interview. Breitbart News has extensively reported on the potential Espionage Act violations committed by Clinton and her top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.

Here is Priebus’ statement:

Hillary Clinton has just taken the unprecedented step of becoming the first major party presidential candidate to be interviewed by the FBI as part of a criminal investigation surrounding her reckless conduct. That the FBI wanted her for questioning reinforces her central role in deliberately creating a culture which put her own political ambitions above State Department rules and jeopardized our national security. In over 2,000 emails, Clinton’s decision exposed classified information, including 22 that included top secret intelligence, just so she could skirt transparency laws in order to hide her shady dealings as Secretary of State. When you factor in Clinton directed this server be established to cover up the tangled web of donors, State Department actions and her family foundation, we must ask ourselves if this is the kind of leadership we want in the White House.

“The American people need to have confidence that the Obama Justice Department is conducting a fair and impartial investigation, but when the attorney general meets secretly with Bill Clinton just days before Hillary’s interrogation is conducted discreetly over a holiday weekend, it raises serious concerns about special treatment. Others have lost their security clearances, their jobs, or even gone to jail for doing far less, and Clinton needs to be held to the same standard as everyone else,” Priebus stated.

An inspector general report found that Clinton violated State Department rules with her private server. The RNC is promoting five instances of Clinton violating State Department policy.