WASHINGTON, D.C. — Republican National Committee chairman Reince Preibus said that the findings of the FBI’s criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email use present a “glaring indictment” of the former Secretary of the State, even though Clinton will not actually be indicted.

FBI director James Comey held a press conference Tuesday to announce that Clinton was “careless” and that there is “evidence” that she violated classified information laws.  Nevertheless, Comey is not recommending an indictment. Comey even noted that other people who did similar things would have been punished.

Comey’s findings confirm many of the findings of Breitbart News’s extensive 11-month investigation into Clinton’s private email server, including that Clinton shared top secret classified information on her server, and that people she communicated with on her server had their email accounts intruded upon by “hostile actors.”

“The FBI’s findings are a glaring indictment of Hillary Clinton’s complete lack of judgment, honesty, and preparedness to be our next commander-in-chief, and they confirm what we’ve long known: Hillary Clinton has spent the last 16 months looking into cameras deliberately lying to the American people,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement. He added:

We now know Clinton failed to turn over thousands of work-related records she certified were in the possession of the State Department, that more than one hundred emails contained material that was classified at the time they were sent or received, and that her server was less secure than Gmail and was likely hacked by hostile actors. This is grossly negligent conduct on the part of Hillary Clinton and her aides, but as the Obama Administration has repeatedly shown throughout this process, they were never going to prosecute Clinton’s criminal behavior because they are counting on her to deliver their failed agenda a third term.

“Between the Attorney General’s private meeting with Bill Clinton last week, to President Obama’s active support for Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, the American people will rightly be left second guessing whether justice was really served,” Priebus added.