Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said the ambush shooting and massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas on Thursday have “shaken the soul of our nation” in a video message published on Trump’s Facebook Friday evening:

Just a few weeks ago, I met with many of the men and women in the Dallas police force during my visit to Texas. They’re not just police officers. They’re mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters and they’re all on my mind today. They’re on everybody’s mind. A brutal attack on our police force is an attack on our country and an attack on our families. We must stand in solidarity with law enforcement, which we must remember is the force between civilization and total chaos. Every American has the right to live in safety and peace.

“The deaths of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philander Castile in Minnesota also makes clear how much more work we have to do to make every American feel that their safety is protected,” Trump added, referencing the fatal shootings of two black men earlier this week by police officers. “Too many Americans are living in terrible poverty and violence. We need jobs and we’re going to produce those jobs.” He concluded:

Racial divisions have gotten worse, not better. Too many headlines flash across our screens everyday about the rising crime and rising death tolls in our cities. Now is the time for prayers, love, unity and leadership. Our children deserve a better future than what we’re making them live through today, but to get there, we must work together and stand together. We will make America safe again.

Trump canceled a campaign event in Miami, Florida scheduled for Friday afternoon due to the tragic attack in Dallas.