Donald Trump will campaign with potential running mate Mike Pence tonight. Paul Ryan will also hold a town hall event about the 2016 election. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.

All times eastern.

9:55: Ryan says today’s Dem. Party is not the party of the 1990s of balancing the budget and welfare reform. He says it has moved far to the left and is the liberal-progressive party of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

[It certainly isn’t the party of Al From’s DLC that wanted to become more centrist.]

9:50: Ryan says it is not his job to tell delegates what to do. He says it is his job to enforce the rules as Chairman, whatever those rules are. He says he will not put his thumb on the scale.

9:45: Another anti-Trump questioner asks Ryan about the “autopsy” report and asks why she as a black woman should continue to support the Republican Party [Hillary Clinton could not have picked better questioner.] Ryan gives her a lecture on natural rights. He wants her to “look at our plan on welfare reform.” He talks about getting the cronyism out of the IRS. He says our government is becoming unaccountable.

[He doesn’t know how to speak to people’s hearts. His default answer is look at my PowerPoint plans.]

9:42: Ryan is asked about Trump’s immigration plan. He says “rounding up 11 million people” is not the right thing to do and will not work. Ryan says we need to have an immigration system wired for “what our economy needs” [code word: cheap labor]. He then says we need to ensure that people are not taking jobs that Americans can fill. He says illegal immigrants should earn work permits but not jump in front of the line.

9:39: Ryan now tells about “fixing” a “broken immigration system.” He first says we have to secure the border. He says there are ways of getting people “right with the law” that “don’t involve violating the rule of law” or “committing something like an amnesty.” He says people should  “earn their place” without “rewarding people” or “rewarding people for cutting in line.”

[What in the world did Ryan just say? Ryan sounds like Marco Rubio in trying to say all the buzzwords in a word salad that he thinks will appease conservatives while sending a message to open-borders donors that he is on their side.]

9:36: Second questioner (probably not an accident she went second and the anti-Trump questioner led off and set the tone) tells Ryan that she is “disheartened” with him and the GOP leadership re: their lukewarm support of Trump. Ryan says he endorsed Trump had to respect the primary voters who voted for Trump or he could have divided the party in half.

9:35: When will Republicans ever ever ever learn? CNN’s first questioner, who claims to be a “Republican” who will not support Trump, asks Ryan how he can “morally justify” supporting a candidate in Trump who could be “very destructive” and has made “Islamophobic” statements and wants a border wall. Ryan all but says Trump’s views don’t represent the views of Republicans. He cites the Supreme Court and a potential Clinton presidency when pressed on his support for Trump in the general election.

[In these settings, Ryan sounds like the career D.C. politician/staffer that he is. He is not the messenger to reach out to the independents and minorities the GOP establishment always claim Republicans must reach. There is a reason, according to Scott Walker, that Ryan did not work at the counter at McDonald’s and had to flip burgers in the back because he lacked the “interpersonal skills” to be at the counter. ]

9:30: At CNN’s town hall event, Paul Ryan says he wants a “consistent conservative” as vice president and the House Speaker, who has gone out of his way to undermine Trump and not unify Republicans, says the only way Republicans can win in November is if the party unites.

9:25: No vice presidential announcement. But after going through his standard campaign lines, Trump says we America will win so much that people will be complaining to Governor Pence or Vice President Pence.

“You’re gonna call him and you’re gonna say governor or vice president, we’re winning too much,” Trump says.

8:55: Trump tells Bill O’Reilly on Fox News in a pre-taped interview that he’d like to say he understands the African-American experience but “you really can’t unless you’re African-American.”

8:53: Trump comments on Sanders’s “strange endorsement.” He says a lot of Sanders’s supporters are so upset that they are “going to be voting for Trump.” He says he and Sanders agree on trade.

8:51: Trump says Houdini could not have gotten out of Clinton’s email scandal and calls that her “greatest achievement.”

8:49: Trump says there was a lot of “hatred” at the Black Lives Matter protests/marches across the country. He says all of this makes our country look weak to our enemies abroad.

8:48: Trump says nobody discusses the 5,000 killings in Chicago since Obama became President. He promises to build the wall and keep out refugees before discussing the need for a “smart” foreign policy. He says we should have left some troops in Iraq and says we should have taken the oil like he has been saying from the beginning. Trump also says he was opposed to the Iraq War. He blames Clinton for creating ISIS with her failed foreign policy in the Middle East. He says Clinton/Obama “don’t have a clue” how to beat ISIS.

8:36: Trump says “our whole nation grieves and mourns” for five heroes who were slain in Dallas. “We pray for their families. We pray for their loved ones. We pray for all the wounded survivors. We pray for our country,” he says. “Police are not just a part of our society….[They] are the best of our society. They represent our  highest ideals, our greatest values, and our most noble characteristics.” Trump says we have to recognize and remember all of the good things police do that often go unnoticed and unappreciated.

Trump says when our “police are attacked, our entire nation is attacked.” He says the message must be delivered clearly: “the hostility against the police must end. And it has to end right now.”

Trump says “we have a country in chaos” if we don’t “cherish” our police officers.

Trump again says he is the “law and order” candidate. He says we need “law and order” and “strength.”

8:33: Trump now takes the stage and says “we want to get to business.” He says Indiana “was the state that put me over the top.” Trump says “a lot of bad things are happening.” He says he was going to go through a whole litany of that but we want to be “positive” and “strong.” He says we’re going to be greater and stronger than ever before.

8:31: Pence adds that Trump must be elected because Hillary Clinton must never become president. Pence says he served in Congress with Sanders and refers to him as the “nicest Socialist” he has ever served with in Washington, D.C.  Pence says, paraphrasing Comey, it would be “extremely careless” to elect Clinton. Pence says Clinton should be disqualified from being Commander-in-Chief for waiting 13 hours to send help to Americans in Benghazi and then later saying, “what difference, at this point, does it make?”

8:28: Pence says Indiana will be the first state on the board to make Trump the 45th president. Pence touts his record and the state’s balanced budget. Trump says he will bring a similar kind of no-nonsense leadership to the White House. He says after Obama’s failed policies, “we’re ready for a change in this state. We’re ready to put a fighter, a builder, and a patriot in the Oval Office.” Pence says we’re tired of an intellectual elite far away in Washington who believe they can plan our lives better than ourselves. He says Trump has not forgotten the people who work with their hands.

8:20: Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser points out at Trump’s rally that Sanders ran against everything that Hillary Clinton has supported before endorsing her. Miller says this is more proof that the system is rigged and against average Americans. Miller says we’re going to say if you want to take the country in the right direction–whether you are a Republican, Democrat or unaffiliated–vote for Donald Trump. Miller says if you think your vote matters more than Wall Street and America has been too quick to rush into trade deals, you should vote for Trump. Miller says all of the rhetoric about fighting special interests in the Dem. primary was a hoax. He says Clinton believes the worth of a voter is measured by the size of their bank accounts. Miller says voters here today believe a voter is measured by what’s in their heart and not their bank account. Miller says there is only one person who will guarantee that “Americans will come first.”

8:05: Trump reportedly met with Pence for a one-on-one meeting after his fundraiser. That is why they may be late to their Indiana rally.

7:30: UPDATE: From Breitbart News’s Alex Swoyer in Indiana: 

Breitbart News learned Gov. Mike Pence won’t be doing a press availability following his appearance with Donald Trump at the campaign rally Tuesday night in Indiana.

Pence is tentatively planning to arrive at the GOP convention on Monday, according to Marc Lotter, Pence’s deputy campaign manager.

6:50: Interesting: CNN’s Mark Preston speculates that Trump, if he picks Pence as his VP, may select Newt Gingrich as his Chief of Staff.

6:42: Scene at Trump’s Indiana rally:

6:40: Pence will introduce Trump at tonight’s Indiana rally:


6:20: Nigel Farage to attend GOP convention:


6:18: Pointless publicity stunt since the donor is anonymous.


6:15: Gingrich deadpans when asked what he can add to the ticket:



6:03: No more Secret Service protection for a candidate who did not enter the race to win it:

6:00: Trump to hold rally with VP pick on Friday: