Columnist Michael Goodwin argues that the pairing of Donald Trump and Mike Pence forms a great, well-rounded presidential ticket for the Republican party.

From the New York Post:

Pick your metaphor for the world: It’s on fire, it’s spinning out of control, the wheels are coming off, it’s turned upside down. Whatever your pick, it is unanimous that the job of the next president is to make it better, and to make Americans feel better about the future.

Donald Trump took a big step forward in making his case by selecting Mike Pence as his running mate.The Indiana governor represents the seasoned, steady, conservative influence missing from the Trump arsenal. He could be the yin to Trump’s yang.

Their first joint appearance painted the picture. Trump started with a rambling introduction where he strayed from his notes more often than he stuck to them, even catching himself at one point to say, “Now back to Mike,” before beginning another digression.

Pence, by contrast, was precise and disciplined, delivering his remarks with the skill of a professional pol in the best sense of the word. With his record and reputation for integrity, he adds credibility to Trump’s wild disrupter instincts.

Give Trump credit for going against his own grain and realizing he needs to unite Republicans and conservative independents to have a chance at victory. The choice of a running mate, along with this week’s convention, represents the last big scripted opportunities to fix what’s broken.

Read the rest of the story here.