Hillary Clinton’s campaign is airing a new ad featuring an elderly white Republican in a suit fretting about the inevitable nomination of Donald Trump as the GOP presidential candidate.

The anxious Republican, played by actor Bill Bogert, echoes a similar attack ad run during the 1964 Berry Goldwater campaign.

“I was a Republican who voted for Eisenhower and Nixon. My father was a Republican, his father was. The whole family was,” he warns. “But Donald Trump. He’s a different kind of man, this man scares me.”

The man adds that Trump’s rhetoric on nuclear weapons makes him wonder about the safety of the entire world.

“He’s a different kind of man, this man scares me,” he warns.

Rather than not voting at all, the actor suggests that he might consider voting for Hillary Clinton.

“I think the party is about to make a terrible mistake in Cleveland,” he adds. “And I’m going to have to vote against that mistake.”