The gun control group launched by Gabby Giffords-is urging Hillary Clinton to stop saying “NRA” and start saying “gun lobby.”

Her group, Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), and others argue that the favorable of the NRA is too great, and success on gun control cannot be achieved by targeting them by name.

According to Politico, ARS is also suggesting that Democrats change their language from pushing for “gun control” to supporting “gun violence prevention” or “preventing gun tragedies.” These things were discussed last week at a meeting in which the gun control lobby sat down with PR firm Global Strategy Group to examine ways they might finally secure more gun laws on law-abiding Americans.

It was Global Strategy’s Jeff Pollock who warned that the NRA “has great favorabilities in a lot of places,” so Hillary Clinton’s promise to “keep taking it to the NRA” is not a winning approach.

Many of these changes in language have already been adopted by various gun control groups and proponents, largely to no avail. For example, while pushing executive gun control in January, President Obama said “gun violence,” “gun rights,” “gun possession, and “gun safety,” but not gun control. And after gun control candidates were routed in the 2014 mid-term elections, Salon reported that Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts was focused on using the words “gun safety” and “preventing gun violence” instead of gun control.

Gun control Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) did the same thing in April 2015, when he referred to his failed 2013 gun control push as an effort to secure “gun safety.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at