CLEVELAND, Ohio — “I hail from the great state of Arkansas, we know from personal experience that we don’t need Hillary Clinton in the White House,” Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchison warns.

He addressed the Republican National Convention shortly after the official vote to make Donald Trump the nominee of the Republican Party.

“I have been in the public arena during the administration of six presidents,” said Hutchison, whose state used to be governed by Bill Clinton with wife Hillary. “From federal prosecutor under President Reagan to Congress, the DEA and then Homeland Security after 9/11.”

Hutchinson continued, “I’ve seen America at it’s best and I have seen America put to the test. There has never been a more urgent time for leadership. America’s strength and boldness are desperately needed on the world stage and a new energy is demanded at home to build our economy and to defeat terrorism.”

“Strength, boldness and new energy are not words that describe Hillary Clinton,” he continued. “This is the same Hillary we knew in Arkansas and later in Washington for so many years. Hillary always wanted more government and her dreams have only gotten bigger.”

Hutchinson criticized Clinton saying she would bring double the trouble compared to the past eight years of the Barack Obama Administration.

“We need a president that values the role of the states, will destroy ISIS and jumpstart the economy,” he said.

On the campaign trail Hillary Clinton emphasized her experience. Yes experience matters, but judgement matters more. Despite her experience, Hillary Clinton’s poor decisions have produced bad results. Just think about it. Hillary Clinton’s radical attempts at so called reform of the nation’s health care system would have been more destructive than even Obamacare has been.

He referred to the four American deaths that resulted from the terror attacks on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya and her “bad judgement.”

Hutchinson said that bad judgement “resulted in instability in Egypt, Syria and Libya. The rise of ISIS. The resurgence of Russia and emboldened North Korea. Inappropriate ties between foreign governments and the Clinton Foundation and a more dangerous world.”

The numerous ties between the Clinton Foundation and foreign governments have been detailed in Peter Schweizer’s book and subsequent documentary Clinton Cash.

“When it comes to being commander in Chief, we don’t want a President who in the words of the FBI is extremely careless in the handling of classified material.”

FBI Director James Comey announced just two weeks ago that he would not recommend that the Department of Justice charge Clinton in connection with what he called “extremely careless” handling of classified information.

He called Trump the kind of “transparent, straight talking leader America needs right now.”

“A Hillary Clinton presidency will endanger our national security, it will be the wrong direction for our economy and it will undermine innovation coming from the states,” he said.

“A Trump presidency will be about the art of the possible,” said Hutchinson. “Donald Trump is the right leader for our time. Mike Pence is the right leader for our time.”

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