CLEVELAND, Ohio — Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) wants to know: “Are you with me? are you with Trump-Pence 2016?”

“Do you want to help make America one again?” Blackburn challenged a jubilant Republican crowd. Make America One Again was the theme of the fourth night of the RNC.

We have all had enough of bloated budgets, un-kept promises and pointless red lines.

We’ve had enough division and enough heated rhetoric that serves to only drive a wedge between us and our neighbor. Enough seeing our 401ks get smaller, our bills get bigger, our taxes go up and our paychecks shrink. In short the American people have had it!

Yes and they are ready for a change – they are ready for someone to take the reins and bring us together.

There is someone that can get the job done. Or as Larry the Cable guy would say, Let’s ‘Git ‘er done! There’s someone who can come in ahead of schedule and under budget.

Who’s read the specs, has seen the bottom line, negotiated the cost and built something to last. A leader who knows that this country is not full of assets to be managed, forgotten or deleted. Our nation is full citizens want a leader who knows the sure route to prosperity, who inspires, who knows that leadership is a hard-fought verb and not a subject line in an email.

In the course of the evening, Trump’s history of developing prosperous properties was highlighted. His renovation of what is now Trump Tower in New York City was highlighted multiple times.

“That is why I am asking all of you to join me tonight in electing Donald Trump as President of the United States,” declared Blackburn.

Donald Trump has the skills required to lead this nation, a diverse nation, who can help people achieve greatness. He believes in the American dream because he has lived the American dream.

Blackburn referenced former President Abraham Lincoln for a call made in Cleveland 155 years ago to “bind together or perish apart.” She quoted Lincoln, “If all do not join now to save the good ship of the Union this voyage, nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another.”

“And again we find our nation in desperate need of true leadership. In desperate need of unity,” she warned.

The last eight years have really been a challenge, to our national and out household budgets, to our Constitution, and to the men and women who give their lives and their sacred honor to protect our Constitution and to protect us.

The Tennessee Representative again spoke of Trump’s experience as a qualification and reason to elect Trump to the highest office in the land. “Donald Trump is a leader who has seen challenges, he has learned his lessons, solved problems, he has delivered results.”

As a small businesswoman she said, “Some of our nation’s greatest leaders have been people who have worked in the real world, who know firsthand how cumbersome rules and unnecessary regulations get in the way of greatness.”

I want a President who knows that leadership is not as it appears, but is as it performs. Who has seen something through from beginning to completion. Who looks at the mundane and sees magnificence. After all, that’s the magic of this country – that everyday people, with big ideas and  big dreams and the drive to complete them, not only can they change a skyline, they can change the world.

“Leadership is not about lines on a resume,” said Blackburn.

We want a President who believes that you, not Washington, knows best. Who believes that you have the right to pursue your version of the American dream.

America is on the edge of great, mighty things. We need a President Donald Trump who understands this, is about freedom and freedom’s causes. Who will choose to unite us, not divide us.

“Are you with Trump-Pence 2016?,” she asked to a surge of enthusiasm.

Together we can get the country building, working, see jobs come back, our communities grow, and see leaders actually lead.

Together with you and with Trump-Pence 2016, we will be great again.

We will be one again.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana