Breitbart News is honored to present free of charge the Director’s Cut of Clinton Cash — the new documentary taking the internet by storm, based on Peter Schweizer’s bestselling book (now available in paperback) and graphic novel of the same name.

Due to the overwhelming success of last weekend’s premiere of Clinton Cash, the film has been the #1 trending topic on Facebook for three days in a row. Its success in dominating social media during the Democratic National Convention is thanks in part to the signal boost given by progressive supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Already concerned citizens have circulated copies of the film on various media platforms. While most filmmakers would find the pirating of their material troubling, the Clinton Cash filmmakers have a message to the world: “Pirate away!”

Unlike Bill and Hillary Clinton, we believe some things are more important than cold cash. This film was not made to make money. It was made to alert the public to the appalling — and dangerous — corruption of the Clintons.

In order to reach the widest possible audience, Breitbart will host the film here on our site from now until November to be viewed for free by anyone at any time.

We encourage everyone — whether conservative or progressive — to view the film. Clinton Cash is bigger than our political debate. This isn’t a film about the size or scope of government. It’s about basic human decency.

Who could deny the malignant corruption of a couple that used their political power to make money by propping up the world’s worst dictators, cutting down the rain forests, selling off our nuclear resources to our enemies, and bartering off the assets of the poorest nations on earth while their people live in abject poverty?

Stopping the Clintons is not about being a good conservative or a good progressive. It’s about being a decent human being.

If you love your country — if you love humanity —  watch this film and share it with everyone you know. Do NOT vote in November without seeing Clinton Cash.

Share the film. Rip copies of it if you want to. Read the book, now available in paperback. Buy the graphic novel on sale here.

Spread the word!