Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has not asked for Donald Trump’s endorsement in his Republican primary and expects to win without it, according to his campaign.

“Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump’s endorsement,” said Zack Roday, a Paul Ryan campaign spokesman. “And we are confident in a victory next week regardless.”

Trump made headlines after he clarified that he was not ready to support Ryan in his primary.

“I never said I’d support him. I’m giving it very serious consideration,” Trump said in an interview with the Washington Post. “I’m not quite there yet.”

Trump appeared to channel Ryan’s own reluctance to endorse the controversial billionaire for president after the Republican presidential primary was essentially over.

“I like Paul. But these are horrible times for our country. We need very strong leadership,” Trump said. “We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there. I’m not quite there yet.”

He clarified that although he sent a note thanking Ryan’s opponent Paul Nehlen, he hadn’t endorsed him.

“I didn’t support him. I just thanked him for sending their love,” Trump said, explaining that Nehlen “sent me a nice letter and I merely thanked him.”

The Wisconsin Republican primary elections will be held on August 9.