Unknown killers have murdered three young middle-class women on jogging paths in a single week, underlining the nationwide rise in violent crime and Americans’ growing worries about safety in their own neighborhoods.

Nurse Ally Brueger: Shot and murdered while jogging alone in Detroit, Michigan on July 31.

Athlete Karina Vetrano: Raped and murdered August 2 in an upper-class neighborhood in Queens while jogging alone through a weeded area where “hobos and bums” are known to lurk and residents fear to go.

Google manager Vanessa Marcotte: Raped, murdered, and set on fire August 7 while jogging alone in her quiet Massachusetts hometown.

The establishment media is producing many stories about black criminals being shot in sharp encounter with police officers, but is ignoring the nationwide rise in crime as President Barack Obama pushes his “stigmatize-and-federalize” campaign against local and state law enforcement agencies.

Obama is using clever word-play to hide the crime rise since 2015. “Ronald Reagan called America ‘a shining city on a hill.’ Donald Trump calls it ‘a divided crime scene’ that only he can fix,” Obama said at the Democratic National Convention. “It doesn’t matter to him that illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they’ve been in decades, because he’s not offering any real solutions to those issues.”

Public concern over crime stands at a 15-year high, according to Gallup. Fifty-three percent of all respondents — along 68 percent of nonwhites — told pollsters they worry about crime “a great deal” in April, which is a sharp increase from 2014.

That poll was taken before a second-generation Muslim slaughtered 49 Americans in a gay Orlando nightclub, and before black militants murdered police in planned attacks, including five officers in a single night in Dallas alone. The hushed-up illegal alien crime, race riots burning down cities, and a raging heroin epidemic that’s claimed tens of thousands of American lives also contribute to these worries.

Trump has promised to reverse the rising crime rates.

“An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans. I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country. Believe me. Believe me,” he said at the Republican National Convention. “I will work with, and appoint, the best prosecutors and law enforcement officials in the country to get the job done. In this race for the White House, I am the Law And Order candidate.”

Many voters agreed with Trump — leading CNN to trash their own poll that showed 56 percent of those who watched Trump’s speech were more likely to vote for him.

And the violent crime rate is indeed rising, as Breitbart News has extensively covered:

Voters’ support for law and order is growing as the death toll from the post-2014 murder spike nears 1,500.

The murder toll is highlighted in a new survey published by the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), which reveals that 2,308 murders have been committed in their cities during the first half of 2016, versus 2,001 in the first half of 2015.

That’s a huge 15 percent increase, coming after a roughly 17 percent rise in the nation’s major cities during 2015.

In 2015, the association reported 6,192 murders in their cities, up by 837 from 2014. That increased 2015 murder rate will have added roughly 300 dead to the first six months of 2016. Then add the 307 deaths that comprise the additional 2016 increase, creating an estimated death toll of roughly 1,500 dead Americans since 2014.

An analysis of crime rates in 20 major cities published in the Washington Post explained that Obama and the Koch Brothers, who both back dangerous “prison break” legislation, are not honestly representing crime data:

In June, well before Obama’s remarks and most of the fact-checks of Trump’s claims, Richard Rosenfeld of the University of Missouri at St. Louis documented, in a study of 56 major cities conducted for the Justice Department, that homicides were up 17 percent on average. Forty of the cities saw homicides increase, and 12 of those cities saw them increase by more than 50 percent.

Furthermore, data collected by the Major Cities Chiefs Association indicate that this trend has continued into 2016. In the first half of the year, homicides are up 15 percent over 2015. Non-fatal shootings (up 4 percent) and aggravated assaults (3.4 percent) both jumped in the first half of the year as well.

Our own analysis of 20 large cities, gathered directly from publicly available police department data, finds that crime is rising overall, although the increases are spread unevenly across the country.

And compared with 2014 lows, some types of violent crimes are not just rising; they are rising at alarming rates.

For example, since 2014, violent crime is up 47 percent in Los Angeles, 26 percent in Baltimore and 23 percent in Dallas.

In Chicago, arguably the worst-hit city, homicides have risen more than 70 percent since 2014. With almost 400 murders to date, the Windy City is on track to tally more than 650 murders this year alone — the most in almost two decades.

The death toll continues to rise.

Ally Brueger, her parents’ only child, will never treat another patient in need. “HUGE heart, always smiling and so good at her job,” one patient wrote after her murder.

Karina Vetrano will never go on another run with her father, who found his beloved daughter in a marsh with broken teeth, covered in bruises, and her sports bra and pants pulled down.

Vanessa Marcotte will never again see her hometown, or her mother or father, who are now begging for justice for their only child.