Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton fired back at critics of her husband Bill Clinton and President Obama.

“We got a lot done for America when they were in office, right?” she asked a rally of supporters in Philadelphia today, arguing that Obama and a “guy named Clinton” led America to economic prosperity.

“When I hear people criticize Bill, I think, ‘What don’t they like? The peace or the prosperity?’” she asked. “I mean it’s kind of hard to know.”

She also appeared puzzled by critics of Obama, citing Obamacare and his bailout of the auto industry as his successes.

“You know when I hear folks criticizing President Obama, I’m thinking, ‘What don’t they like?’” she asked.

She pointed out that Obama had saved the American economy from the financial crash in 2008 and that as president she hoped to build on his success.

“We’re standing,” she said. “Now we’re going to start running again.”

She cited several proposals for government spending, vowing to tax the “super wealthy” to pay for it.

“It’s just wrong that some people do well and other people feel like they’re never going to catch up,” she said.

Clinton appeared to be in a good mood about her campaign, pointing out that they were ahead. But she urged supporters to continue working for her until she was elected president.

“Don’t be complacent my friends because even though we’re doing fine right now, I’m not taking anybody, anywhere for granted,” she said. “We’re going to work hard these next 85 days and I can’t do it without your help.”

She urged all of her supporters to register to vote, pointing them to information about their polling places and information about canvasing neighborhoods to identify more supporters.