WASHINGTON, D.C. — The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee received a “number” of documents from the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

The documents include notes from the investigation, including interview notes.

But the State Department and the FBI still have likely not obtained all of the emails that Clinton deleted from her private server.

Donald Trump has called on the Russians and various computer experts to find the 33,000 emails that Clinton deleted from her private server, which she explicitly used to keep Congress and law enforcement authorities in the dark about her work at the State Department. Clinton is under fire for running a pay-for-play scheme through the State Department that benefited Clinton Foundation donors.

“The FBI has turned over a ‘number of documents’ related to their investigation of former Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email server. Committee staff is currently reviewing the information that is classified SECRET. There are no further details at this time,” a spokesman for the House Oversight Committee said in a statement.

That the spokesman put “number of documents” in quotation marks indicates unhappiness on the part of congressional investigators with the amount of information that has been turned over.

A State Department spokesman said that the Department “been provided emails the FBI intends to give to Congress and we’ve reviewed them,” but the Department has not yet received transcripts of FBI interviews in the case.

So, the Oversight Committee has a “number” of documents that were already screened by the State Department, which has been actively stonewalling this investigation since the beginning? And nobody, maybe not even the Russians, have Hillary’s entire email trove?

As former Oversight chairman Darrell Issa told Breitbart News, the American people are going to have to play judge and jury themselves in November.