A founding mother of the tea party movement is raising doubts about Hillary Clinton’s mental and physical capabilities.

Amy Kremer was a member of Tea Party Patriots at the beginning and spent five years as an official with Tea Party Express. She is now a Trump supporter. Kremer is a leader of the group Women Vote Trump.

Kremer said Tuesday on CNN that Hillary Clinton’s health is fair game.

“They are concerned about Hillary Clinton’s mental…and physical health. Does she have what it takes?,” Kremer said.

“And that’s simply because she has had some injuries, she did suffer a concussion. Following that, a blood cot. As we’ve seen from Huma Abedin’s emails, she’s written, in January 2013, she wrote that she was easily confused. So I think there is concern, and I do think that her medical records should be released and I think that is probably what Mr. Trump is referring to.”

The Internet recently melted down over photos of Hillary Clinton being helped up a flight of stairs by her staff.