Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton is getting ready to celebrate her husband’s 70th birthday this evening on Martha’s Vineyard, according to a Clinton aide speaking to CNN.

Obama is also vacationing on the island, although it is unclear whether he and Michelle Obama plan to join the Clintons for the momentous occasion.

Clinton’s trip coincides with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s visit to Louisiana to highlight the suffering of local citizens after the state was hit by unprecedented flooding in the area.

It was clear by Friday afternoon that her campaign felt it necessary to reach out after Trump’s visit, as they posted a statement from Hillary on her Facebook page.

“My heart breaks for Louisiana, and right now, the relief effort can’t afford any distractions,” she wrote. “The very best way this team can help is to make sure Louisianans have the resources they need.”

Clinton indicated that she called Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisianaa nd urged her followers to donate money to the Red Cross and the Baton Rouge Area Foundation.

Yesterday, Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson cited President’s “busy schedule” to explain why he was unable to interrupt his vacation to visit the disaster area.